Christ Lutheran Church, Overland Park, KS 11720 Nieman Rd Christian Caregiver offers encouragement and support for those who are serving as a caregiver for a family member or friend. We currently are offering in-person & ZOOM sessions on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month. For those attending our session in person, we will be meeting in the Rm 145 Youth room at Christ Lutheran Church (11720 Nieman, OP 66210) Please enter church building at SCHOOL ENTRANCE DOORS.
Topic: Christian Caregiver Support Group Time: 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 879 4021 4685 Passcode: 260971 You will need to use a smart phone, iPad, laptop, computer, etc and you’ll need to download/install the "Zoom" app ahead of time, if you haven’t already. The invite link (SEE ABOVE) needs to be clicked to join our Zoom Caregiver Support meeting. Sometimes the link doesn’t directly connect you, so you may need to enter the Meeting ID & Passcode manually.